Foreign Direct Investment in India

The Indian economy is booming, and has opened up to free enterprise and trade. Investment opportunities are welcomed and encouraged now. Our business model allows for investment of money into India, and taking payment of profit on investments to be received in the following manner:
A corporation is formed in both the US and India. Incorporation for purposes of investment will be handled by The Broadwell Group during initial set-up phase once a commitment to invest is received from the financier. The Indian corporation would be set up by our business partners and the owners of the investment property, Virgin Properties Ltd. Shares will be issued in the total value of the investment and will be issued based on the individual investment.
As residential units are sold, profits will be realized. Investors may choose to take their profit or reinvest in more shares of the venture.
The Indian government does not tax earnings on foreign direct investment money. However, earnings from these investments are taxed by the IRS as interest income or business profits.
There are two types of investment options available to qualified investors.
Large-scale constructions projects
Construction of residential and commercial use land developments. Total investment capital needed to finance this project is $63M. Smallest individual investment is $10M, though investments in any increment above $10M though not exceeding $63M will be accepted. Return of investment (ROI) time in 3 to 3.5 years, with returns in the 40% to 45% range.
Small-scale investment projects
Purchase of portions of developments. Minimum investment is $1M dollars. ROI time is 18 months with returns of 18%.
The forward-thinking investor will clearly be excited by the opportunity presented by the emergence of the Indian economy as a force. This FDI opportunity is perfectly timed for the early-entry visionary investor. We are available to consult with qualified investors through our offices in Chicago and Los Angeles.
Contact us today for more details |